The Zachary P Creighton Memorial Golfing Fun & Fentanyl Awareness Dinner
This event was held on June 10th at the West Palm Beach Drive Shack. All participants had fun at the hitting bays, and learned about Fentanyl, as well as how to administer Narcan. Joe Grohman along with 3 other golf pros, provided individual coaching to everyone. Prizes were awarded for the longest drive. Door prizes were also awarded. Participants also enjoyed appetizers and dinner. They each received a T-shirt, water bottle, Fentanyl fact sheet, treatment and recovery fact sheet, and a wrist band with the SAMHSA helpline phone number.
Thank you to our sponsors of the event:
The Goodlife Treatment Center
The Lymphedema Center
Kindred Hospitals
The Joe Grohman Golf Foundation
Hankerson Henry Productions

Rage Against Addiction Walk/Run
Thanks to everyone who donated to Zach’s Team to support @rageagainstaddiction! We raised over $1,500.00! Thanks to our awesome team of runners and walkers. And thanks to Lauren Impallaria for organizing a team in memory of our beloved Zach! ❤️